The Vocal Empowerment Method
Stephanie developed a 3-step process that creates deep and lasting change called The Vocal Empowerment Method. Together, she works with students to focus on the physical, mental and spiritual voices you have and how they work together to create empowerment. Developing a voice that feels and sounds fantastic, lasts all day, and attracts people to you is about so much more than vocal exercises and learning speeches or songs.

Embrace Your Intentions (Spiritual Voice)
What would it feel like to manifest whatever you desire when you use your voice, whether it’s performing on stages, connecting more powerfully at networking events, or calling forth the people and experiences you want to have when you speak?
Set your Intention. Learning to become an empowered voice user starts with deciding what you really want. Having a clear plan lays the foundation for everything that comes next. Confidence is built through clarity of purpose and connecting into the passion you have for your gifts and your message.
Enhance Your Delivery (Physical Voice)
What would it be like to have a powerful, rich and dynamic voice that helps capture your audience’s attention?
Develop your powerful and dynamic voice. Learn how to become a Vocal Athlete – using your instrument fully, freely and with power. Through a step-by-step process, you will build a unique warm-up plan that builds up your voice and creates consistency so you can make a bigger impact, speak all day long, and love the sound of your voice. Your voice is most powerful when it’s a true reflection of how you really want to be heard in the world.
Empower Your Message (Mental Voice)
What would it feel like to know exactly what you want to say, never worrying you’ll forget your words, say the wrong thing, or be bothered by what other people may be thinking about you?
Choose the Script. When you’ve done the work to set intentions and create an impactful delivery, you lay the foundation to allow the words to flow exactly in the way that sets you up for success. Learn the skills of speaking, teaching and selling from the stage through the use of your voice and through special tools proven to create results.
Vocal Coaching Programs
Are you ready for lasting change? Stephanie has created different programs for all singers, speakers, performers, entrepreneurs and leaders to master your voice as a primary tool to manifest joy in your life.
- One on One Personal Coaching Sessions: We will connect one-on-one to assess, develop and empower your voice. Whether you want to audition for a show, speak in public with more confidence, create a voice that feels and sounds fantastic, or become as master speaker from the stage, we will create a plan tailored to your needs. Private coaching is by invite only after completing the vocal assessment.
- Group Voice Masterclass: These are powerful monthly gatherings that allow members to come together in a supportive community (either in person or electronically) and practice using their voice in more powerful ways. The power of the group mastermind creates a support system that helps propel you forward in ways not possible in private sessions alone. You tap into the collective knowledge of the group. Speakers and singers come together to share their voices in various ways and support everyone’s growth. Vocal Masterclass programs are limited enrollment.
- Training and Workshops: Throughout the year, Stephanie offers live workshops and training events that range from a couple of hours to multiple day retreats. Workshops may include outside experts covering a range of topics that support vocal empowerment. Past worksho9ps have included: Yoga for Singers, Emotional Freedom Technique, Acting Workshops, Vocal Power Workshop, Sales and Communication Training.
Find out which program best fits your needs and sign up for a free Vocal Assessment to learn more about working together. In this assessment, we will explore:
- What isn’t working with your voice and your communication skills
- What you’d like to be experiencing and creating in the world
- And potential next steps including whether working together is a good fit.
These programs are for you if you:
- Desire an in-depth, comprehensive training program that will create long-term changes in how you use your voice in all areas of your life.
- Know that you desire a high-touch, supportive environment that will help you create consistency and safe opportunities to practice using your voice on a regular basis.
- Desire a voice that feels and sounds like it is in alignment with who you truly are in the world.
- Want a voice that lasts all day, is consistent in tone and strength, and creates opportunities for you (people, jobs, auditions, performances, clients) every time you use it.
- Wish to be seen and heard in public (on stages or in your community) in much bigger ways. This could be landing large speaking gigs, roles in shows, performance opportunities, leadership positions in your community, and public recognition for the work you do, or a business that you are building.
- Feel nervous or unsure at times when you use your voice in public (performances, networking, social situations)
- Are deeply passionate about the work you do but sometimes struggle with communicating it effectively to others.
- Are ready to do the real work necessary to dramatically shift how you use your physical, mental and spiritual voices and are open to the idea that all three voices are connected to your overall success.