The TOP 4 Revenue Generating Activities for your Business

How are you prioritizing your day?
Are you making sure you engage in at least one revenue generating activity every day, or do you find yourself distracted by administrative tasks and special projects?
If most of your day is spent taking another training, reading a business book, setting up back-end processes, cleaning out your email, commenting on social media, cleaning your office, planning out your new website, outlining your next virtual course, etc., you may find yourself struggling to grow your business.
If you need more clients and want more revenue, there are just a few, simple, direct revenue-generating activities that will help you grow your bottom line consistently over time!
✅ 1. Networking.
For service-based entrepreneurs, this can be your #1 marketing and revenue-generating activity.
Networking can save you TIME, MONEY and ENERGY when it comes to finding clients.
Yet, I sometimes hear business owners say “I am too busy to network,” or “I meet nice people, but don’t seem to get clients.”
This just tells me that:
1) They haven’t yet learned HOW to leverage networking, and/or
2) They may not be networking in the right places with the right people.
Frankly, that’s why I created my virtual networking group, Empowered Business Networking, to teach you HOW to develop this skill and practice it in a safe environment.
✅ 2. Speaking.
There is nothing more powerful than sharing who you are in front of groups. It leverages your time, builds trust, establishes you as an expert, and brings in clients.
Yet, I hear some business owners say, “I’m not a speaker,” or “I’m too nervous to speak in front of groups,” or “I’m not sure what I would talk about.”
If you ever use your physical voice to influence others to purchase your product or service, you are a speaker.
The good news is you don’t need to be a “professional” speaker or take in-depth training to start seeing results from speaking. You just need to show up and practice. Even a mediocre presentation will generate momentum in your business. Speaking to groups is that powerful.
It’s why I have my Empowered Business Networking members give spotlight presentations and practice introducing themselves in captivating ways multiple times each month. You need a place you can feel free to create and practice your messaging.
✅ 3. One-on-One conversations.
This is a version of “speaking”, but this really is about:
- Qualifying individuals (is this a networking partner, colleague, or potential client), and
- Determining the next step (including whether to invite them into a sales conversation).
If you aren’t having consistent 1:1 calls each day or week, then you are limiting your revenue-generating opportunities.
What leads to more 1:1 conversations? ✅Networking and ✅ Speaking!
✅ 4. Directly Serving Your Current Clients
Some may argue with me that this task isn’t revenue generating; it’s fulfilling the revenue you’ve already received or been promised.
However, Client Tasks are key to consistent, ongoing revenue because:
- It takes a lot more effort to find a new client than to keep a current client happy.
- Current clients can refer you to NEW clients.
- Current clients are the most likely to buy again and again.
To identify some specific Client Tasks to prioritize, ask yourself:
- “What am I doing to leverage my current clients to send me referrals?” and
- “What am I doing to go above and beyond to deliver exceptional service?”
When you see this list….
✅ Networking
✅ Speaking
✅ 1:1 Conversations
✅ Client Tasks
Which ones are you doing daily and/or weekly?
Which ones need higher prioritization?
If you would like to up-level how you use your voice for networking and speaking, or if you need a place to practice your communication and speaking skills, feel free to visit my virtual, international networking group Empowered Business Networking. We allow guests to visit the first Thursday of each month from 2-3:30 p.m. ET.
TAGGED : networking, revenue generation, Speaking, training