Supercharge Your Networking Introduction with 3 Key Phrases

Supercharge Your Networking Introduction with 3 Key Phrases

Are you spending a lot of time networking and feeling that you aren’t getting a high enough ROI?

Do you find it challenging to easily describe what you do so that people can quickly opt in or send you a good referral?

I have run hundreds of networking events and have seen what works and what does not work when it comes to a networking introduction.

Here’s how to supercharge your networking introduction with three key phrases that will save you time and help you stand out in a crowd.

  1. “I work with….
    What follows this phrase is a description of your ideal client.  What’s helpful here is to think about your very favorite clients you’ve ever worked with and what industries they belong to.When I think of my very favorite clients, I tend to work well with coaches, speakers and trainers. It seems simple, but it’s amazing how many times people don’t share the industry or are not specific enough when it comes to their ideal client.Don’t be afraid to narrow it down based on your favorite types of clients. It will help everybody understand who to refer to you.

    Do you like to work with families with children,  entrepreneurs in a particular industry such as financial services, real estate or coaching, singles about to buy their first apartment, retirees, etc.?

  2. “Who struggles with…
    This is all about the pain or the gap that you’re trying to help them overcome in your business. What keeps them up at night?When I’m working with clients, their pain is around their lack of confidence when they speak to groups, a lack of ROI when they network and speak, and a feeling of overwhelm as they run around trying to stand out at networking events.My voice clients complain that they don’t like the sound of their voice, their voice isn’t lasting all day, it’s getting hoarse, or they don’t feel they are loud enough or assertive enough in a room.

    Depending on the audience and the results you want to create at the networking event, pick one or two pain points that stand out.

  3. “and who really wants…
    This speaks to the vision your clients have for themselves – and the solution that you provide. When they give a positive testimonial, what do they say about you?Do you save them time?  Do you help them make more money?  Do you repair their relationships or help them fulfill a lifelong dream?You want to be clear and succinct.  The entire introduction should take around 10 seconds.

    If you have more time, you can expand on this with a story or testimonial.


I work with coaches, speakers and trainers who struggle consistently getting aligned referrals when they network, and who really want to save time, stand out, and get a high return on investment from every event they attend.

If I’m networking in the right place, when I use this introduction, I always walk away with a lead or a potential referral partner conversation.  Most people talk a lot about the features of their product or service.   This formula focuses on the value you provide using the language of your ideal client.  Use it in your networking, on your website, and in social media posts, etc. to help you stand out – especially in this virtual networking world.

Network with other service-based entrepreneurs inside my Empowered Business Networking Facebook Group and share what you are using to introduce yourself.  I’ll give you some feedback within 2-3 business days.

Join me LIVE on my BUSINESS PAGE on Mondays at 2 p.m. ET for more tips and training on how to know what to say and how to say it to find more prospects and close sales faster when you network and speak.


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